Timing tool for Vauxhall OPEL Opel 1.3 1.4L 2019 -> Petrol L3T F14SHT F14SHL
Available in stock:
: Available in 3-5 business days
Catalogue number: 90416000
Product index/code: 90416000
Weight: 5 kg
Producer: ZUP
Timing tool for Vauxhall OPEL Opel 1.3 1.4L 2019 -> Petrol L3T F14SHT F14SHL
Product made to order. No refund possible. Production time approximately 10 days.
Tool set - original factory tools EN....
1. 904 160 10 Fuel Pump Adjustment Tool EN-52443
2. 904 160 20 Camshaft adjuster locking device and caps EN-52461, EN-52461-1
3. 904 160 30 Set of tool heads for the appropriate regulator supplied EN-52461-300
4. 904 160 40 Pins for engine cover, crankcase cover and oil pan EN-582483
5. 904 160 50 Camshaft locking tool EN-52484
6. 904 160 60 balance shaft counterweight replacement device EN-52487
7. 904 153 00 Flywheel lock EN-52476
8. 904 155 00 Crank turning and holding tool. EN-52438, EN-52438-300, EN-52438-400
9. 904 160 70 Locking pin for tensioner push rod (2 pcs) EN-955-10-A
According to the manufacturer and device maker, an additional tool is required for adjusting the crankshaft pulley bolt.
This can be done HP 906 544 00 - Torque amplifier. for sprocket (FORD)
ASTRA K (2019-)
EN-52443, EN-52461, EN-52461-1, EN-52461-300, EN-582483,
EN-52484, EN-52487, EN-52476, EN-52438, EN-52438-300, EN -52438-400, EN-955-10-A